The Dangers of Blue-Green Algae to Dogs

Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, are micro-bacteria found in fresh or salt water throughout the United States and sadly, they have been the cause of an increasing number of dog deaths in recent months.
Blue-green algae is commonly confused with regular green algae (which is not lethal) because both can create dense material on the water’s surface and might even have a similar look and smell. However, dogs that swim or play in natural bodies of water may easily come into contact with dangerous blue-green algae and can die within a matter of minutes, hours, or days of exposure to it. For this reason, we strongly recommend curtailing all non-treated (i.e. chlorinated pools) water activities for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniels for the time being.
If you suspect your dog has been exposed to blue-green algae, take him or her to both a veterinarian immediately AND consult with an animal poison control center, because not all vets have vast experience with algae poisoning. For more information about the hazards of blue-green algae, CLICK HERE to read a very informative article on the Pet Poison Helpline’s website.
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