Gillcrest Cavaliers Presents “Kingsley the Cavalier”
Kingsley has become a big celebrity!! Below is an part of an email from his mom:
Kingsley has become quite the social media celebrity! He was invited to a private event to meet Cesar Millan the Dog Whisperer!

You can read an article feature on Kingsley here:
He was also the winner of the photo contest in the Royal Spaniels Magazine for the winter issue. Hopefully you were able to see it ??
Yesterday we went to a Cavalier meetup in LA where some of Kingsley Instagram friends attended.
UPDATE! Kingsley is now on AKC Woofipedia, click below to see him.
One of the Cavaliers that attended happened to be from Gillcrest Cavaliers! They have the same grandpa! The other pup’s name is Thor. Its like they knew right away they were related! Of all the cavaliers there they instantly clicked and started playing and were inseparable the whole time! (Kingsley left and Thor right)
Thor has his own page now as well

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